We woke up early this morning, Kristen, Kacey and I, to head to Prague. Hannah Eddy and Kirsten were planning to come with us, but unfortunately last nights dinner did not agree with their stomachs. It was a huge bummer for Hannah, she had been looking forward to going there for so long. I hope that she will get to go later in her life.
It was the crack of dawn and we hopped on the first train to “Praha.” On the way there we entered a thick fog that blocked out view of anything that was outside. At about ten we watched the scenery change as the sunlight began to enter into the white foggy air. And when we finally got to the train station in Praha (Prague) and there was a huge advertisement for the seventh Harry Potter! It was huge! So naturally us girls had to get pictures in front of it.
We had around 5 hours to explore this new city in this new country. So after finding a map, getting some money in the right currency and asking a few questions we ventured into the unknown. Our first goal was to find a Polish dog to eat. I went up to this stand and asked a man selling sausages where the best place here to get a good sausage was and he pointed down the road. Honesty, it is good to know that it is still out there, he could have very easily said that his were the best. We took his advice and went to this stand. They weren’t bad!
Much of our day was relaxing as we walked through this unknown (to us) city. But the time was running out and we had to catch our train home. On our long train ride home we had hoped to relax and sleep a little, but alas we were accompanied by two old drunk men. They had had a few beers before they got on the train and kept drinking the whole time they were with us. Kacey made the mistake of being friendly and talking to them, so the chances of sleeping were now nonexistent. I am not saying that you shouldn’t always be friendly to people, it’s just that I was so much looking forward to sleeping a bit. When their stop finally came they kissed Kacey’s hand good bye and one of them kissed my foot!!! I just hope that they made it to their houses okay. Once the train began to move again we were finally convinced into having the worst hot chocolate I have ever tasted. Kacey said that it tasted like dirty sock water, Kristen and I full heartedly agreed! But we enjoyed it all the same. Up to this point nothing bad had happened to us the entire day. We didn’t miss our train, didn’t get pick pocketed, or anything else. Mystery that… Prague was a great city.
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